HR plays a key role in process improvement. Discover 8 HR workflows that help automate and optimize your processes for efficiency, productivity, and compliance.
Understanding labor cost percentage is essential for success and profitability. Learn how to calculate and manage this important HR metric with this guide.
California has strict laws regarding overtime pay. Make sure you understand your obligations as an employer with this comprehensive guide.
What is a discretionary bonus? Discover the difference between different kinds of bonuses and how your HR and accounting teams can remain compliant with FLSA.
Learn all about imputed income, which benefits qualify as imputed income, and how it can impact your company’s payroll and accounting processes.
Learn the different payroll cycle options businesses can use to serve employees with different pay periods and pay dates, plus the pros and cons of each.
How to allocate direct labor cost for multiple employees working on a new project , with consideration for union rules and billable hours (examples included).